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Python for Kids: Part 1 - 1A+B (Gr. 6-8)

ID : 57932   
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Launch your child’s coding journey with Python, one of the most powerful and fun programming languages! In this course, they’ll learn the basics of Python—like variables, functions, and conditional statements—while creating cool projects using Tkinter to design graphical user interfaces (GUIs). With hands-on mini-projects and real-time coding, your child will develop problem-solving skills, spark their creativity, and gain a solid foundation in programming. (Note: $70 materials fee)

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

Ohlone College - Fremont Campus

Progressive Kids 



Materials Cost:


Registration Closes On
Monday, June 9, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
6/9/2025 - 6/12/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 08:30 AM - 11:45 AM Fremont, Ohlone College - Fremont Campus  Map, Room: Hyman Hall - 218 Progressive Kids  ClassRoom